lcm rs query xds rim

Element : DocumentResponseType (XML Type: DocumentResponse_._type )

Package : xds

XML Type : DocumentResponse_._type

Name Type cardinality Comment
Element : homeCommunityId
java.lang.String 0...1 This corresponds to the home attribute of the Identifiable class in regrep RIM (regrep-rim-3.0-os.pdf, page 20)
Element : repositoryUniqueId
java.lang.String 1...1 This is the XDSDocumentEntry.repositoryUniqueId attribute in the XDS metadata
Element : documentUniqueId
java.lang.String 1...1 This is the XDSDocumentEntry.uniqueId attribute in the XDS metadata
Element : newRepositoryUniqueId
java.lang.String 0...1 This identifies the Document Repository that will support retrieval of the document created as a result of retrieval of the On-Demand Document. This is required when the On-Demand Document Source supports the Persistence of Retrieved Documents Option.
Element : newDocumentUniqueId
java.lang.String 0...1 This identifies the document returned in the response when retrieval is of an On-Demand Document. This is required when retrieval is of an On-Demand Document.
Element : mimeType
java.lang.String 1...1
Element : document
String 1...1

There are no specific rules for this element.